
textile work
with with with (2022), screen-print on cotton with text in two colours (orange, blue), dimensions: 3.45m x 1.45m, oak rod
withwithwith is a textile piece originally made for live performance. The screen-printed text is an erasure of Sophie Seita’s piece ‘Reading the Rock’, leaving behind only the prepositions. The prepositions trace the text’s preoccupation with making seemingly incommunicable feelings more tangible. The blue text was made using puff binder which creates a raised surface texture after it reacts with heat in the curing process. So when you touch the text it’s as if the words move a little bit closer to you, creating a different kind of space or relation with or through you. Prepositions are all about contact and direction. They determine how we move in space; how we view ourselves in relation to what surrounds us; what or who touches us and what or whom we touch or move alongside in return.
(The performance costume is also screen-printed, on the ‘wrong side’ of some leftover jersey fabric.)
Performance and Installation:
Molto Molto, Hove, 17 September 2022
Reference Point, London, December 2022, part of qap.digital launch
Ugly Duck, ‘Pretty Doomed 2023’, curated Queer Art Projects & Ugly Duck, Oct 2023
analogue photographs by lee rae walsh (2022), install photos by Marco Berardi and Baiba Sprance (2023) for 'Pretty Doomed 2023' by Queer Art Projects & Ugly Duck, beach performance photo and close-up by the artist (2022)