On Lecture Performances

A workshop on playing with knowledge, mixing the rigour of research with the creativity of performance

Texts as dinner guests

A masterclass and experiment-in-conversation on dead letters, correspondence, and communing with other voices

performing textures and translation

A workshop that plays with and responds to a number of materials, like clay, wire, string, and paper

Experimental Translation and Translingual Traces Across Borders and Media

A seminar that expands the concept of translation and explores the translingual traces in art, writing, and performance

Queer Performance

A workshop for queer young people, drawing inspiration from queer, trans, and non-binary thinkers, writers, and artists

Lyric Essays: Rumination, Speculation, love

An online class that experiments with the essay form

performative text and design

Co-taught with Yael Ort-Dinoor, this course explores the intersections of text, design, performance, publishing, and activism

Fictional collectives and archives

A course on para-fictional, para-academic archives and collectives, and speculative research, a revisionist exercise in “what if?”

Reading with Material

A workshop in which we try to read with/through/alongside/or on materials